Join Della for a relaxing evening of sound therapy healing with the gong. "The gong is a sacred and ancient instrument of healing, rejuvenation, and transformation.
The gong produces a strong sound wave, almost tangible to the touch, which stimulates the physical body by influencing the surface of the skin and every cell. On a physical level, the gong releases tension and blocks in the body; it stimulates a higher functioning of the glandular and nervous system, it increases prana, our vital life force and improves circulation."
We will begin the evening with some light yoga to prepare the body to receive the healing sounds.
Time: 7 p.m.
Cost: $10 suggested donation
Where: Caring Hands Massage & Spa, 427 Vermillion Street, Hastings, MN
* Please wear comfortable clothes and bring a yoga mat if you have one.
Della Webb 651-270-9136
Copyright Inner Peace Movement Studio, LLC. All rights reserved.